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My Schedule
List of events at DrupalCon Denver you plan to attend. Please note that your schedule is publicly viewable. Registration is still required for entrance to DrupalCon and trainings are sold separately.
Tame the Burrito: Understanding the Five Layers of Drupal
Acquia Room 203Coding and developmentIntermediate
Essential Knowledge for Drupal Beginners
Phase2 Technology Room MHB 4ADrupal communityBeginner -
01:00pm to 02:00pm
Panel: Drupal in the Cloud
NewMedia! Day StageDay Stage
Services Inside and Out
Trellon Room 401Coding and developmentIntermediate
Designing Fast and Beautiful Maps
Trellon Room 401Design and user experienceIntermediate -
Drupal Security for Coders - How to Avoid "All Your Base Are Belong To Us"
Phase2 Technology Room MHB 4ACoding and developmentBeginner
03:45pm to 04:45pm
Building the Perfect Infrastructure
NewMedia! Day StageDay Stage
Migration: Smoothing the Move
Acquia Room 203Business and strategyIntermediate -
Keeping The Lights On - Operations and Monitoring Best Practices Room 405Site buildingIntermediate
10:45am to 11:45am
Directions for Drupal core
BlackMesh Room MHB 1ECore ConversationsAdvanced -
Managing Highly Successful Drupal Migrations
Acquia Room 203Business and strategyIntermediate -
The ACLU & Drupal
WorkHabit Room MHB 4ENonprofit, Government & EducationBeginner
Drush 5: Mile High Productivity
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1ACoding and developmentIntermediate -
01:00pm to 01:30pm
Leveraging Drupal Distributions in Public & Private Sector
NewMedia! Day StageDay Stage