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My Schedule
List of events at DrupalCon Denver you plan to attend. Please note that your schedule is publicly viewable. Registration is still required for entrance to DrupalCon and trainings are sold separately.
The Drupal Marketplace: How "What We Sell" and "How We Sell it" Affects the Community, Our Clients, & Drupal Room 405Drupal communityIntermediate -
Responsive Web Design: The Past, Present, and Future
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1AMobileBeginner
01:00pm to 02:00pm
The Initiatives Formerly Known as WSCCI
BlackMesh Room MHB 1ECore ConversationsAdvanced -
OG7 - Pride and Prejudice
Acquia Room 203Site buildingIntermediate
Changing the tires at 60 MPH: How Martha Stewart Living migrated to Drupal Room 405Site buildingIntermediate