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My Schedule
List of events at DrupalCon Denver you plan to attend. Please note that your schedule is publicly viewable. Registration is still required for entrance to DrupalCon and trainings are sold separately.
Room 206Nonprofit, Government or Education
A Drupal social platform for Occupy
Room 206Community, Nonprofit, Government or Education -
Services Inside and Out
Trellon Room 401Coding and developmentIntermediate
Node.js, Javascript and the Future
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1ACoding and developmentIntermediate -
03:45pm to 04:45pm
Front End Performance Improvements
BlackMesh Room MHB 1ECore ConversationsAdvanced
Designing Fast and Beautiful Maps
Trellon Room 401Design and user experienceIntermediate
Drupal Distribution Case Studies: Leveraging Open Source Solutions Room 405Business and strategyBeginner
01:00pm to 02:00pm
User eXperience for Open Source: how to galvanize a community
BlackMesh Room MHB 1ECore ConversationsIntermediate
Views for Developers; An Architectural Overview
Forum One Room 603Coding and developmentAdvanced
Drush 5: Mile High Productivity
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1ACoding and developmentIntermediate
02:15pm to 03:15pm
What's next for
BlackMesh Room MHB 1ECore ConversationsIntermediate