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My Schedule
List of events at DrupalCon Denver you plan to attend. Please note that your schedule is publicly viewable. Registration is still required for entrance to DrupalCon and trainings are sold separately.
The Drupal Marketplace: How "What We Sell" and "How We Sell it" Affects the Community, Our Clients, & Drupal Room 405Drupal communityIntermediate
Building an Internal Training and Assessment Program Room 405Business and strategyBeginner
Changing the tires at 60 MPH: How Martha Stewart Living migrated to Drupal Room 405Site buildingIntermediate
Building and Securing Government Drupal Sites in the Cloud Room 405Nonprofit, Government & EducationIntermediate
Big Websites for Small Screens: Case Study Room 405MobileIntermediate
Competing with Giants - How to Win with Drupal vs Proprietary Alternatives
WorkHabit Room MHB 4EBusiness and strategyIntermediate
Real World Performance Analysis: How to Identify Performance Problems in Your Own Sites
Acquia Room 203Coding and developmentIntermediate
Rapid Drupal Development using the Features Module
Trellon Room 401Site buildingIntermediate
Integrating Drupal With Nonprofit CRMs
Phase2 Technology Room MHB 4ANonprofit, Government & EducationBeginner
The Alice in Wonderland World of Fields and Entities
Trellon Room 401Site buildingIntermediate -
Designing for Media Platforms Room 405Design and user experienceBeginner
How to build a scalable platform for today’s publishers
Forum One Room 603Site buildingIntermediate
EFF + Drupal + CiviCRM = Great
Phase2 Technology Room MHB 4ANonprofit, Government & EducationBeginner