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My Schedule
List of events at DrupalCon Denver you plan to attend. Please note that your schedule is publicly viewable. Registration is still required for entrance to DrupalCon and trainings are sold separately.
Robert and Jam's Intro to Drupal(Con)
Wells Fargo TheaterDrupal communityBeginner
OG7 - Pride and Prejudice
Acquia Room 203Site buildingIntermediate
Changing the tires at 60 MPH: How Martha Stewart Living migrated to Drupal Room 405Site buildingIntermediate -
02:15pm to 03:15pm
Lessons in Social Driving: How to Make a Smart Car Smarter with Drupal
NewMedia! Day StageDay Stage
Node.js, Javascript and the Future
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1ACoding and developmentIntermediate
Designing Fast and Beautiful Maps
Trellon Room 401Design and user experienceIntermediate
Drupal Distribution Case Studies: Leveraging Open Source Solutions Room 405Business and strategyBeginner
02:15pm to 03:15pm
Drupal Game Show
NewMedia! Day StageDay Stage
Getting it Into Drupal With Migrate
Acquia Room 203Coding and developmentIntermediate
Drupal in Higher Education
Room 206Nonprofit, Government or Education -
Drupalize Your Data: Use Entities!
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1ACoding and developmentIntermediate
Views for Developers; An Architectural Overview
Forum One Room 603Coding and developmentAdvanced
Drush 5: Mile High Productivity
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1ACoding and developmentIntermediate
Taming the Multi-site Mess with Monster Menus
Room 503Site Building