Entity Field Query (EFQ) BoF

We use EntityFieldQuery a lot when building a platform for clients. This BoF is to talk more in-depth about some of the ideas Treehouse Agency has blogged about recently, including:

When and when should you not use EFQ?
What are the limitations of EFQ?
Why should I even bother with EFQ when there is Views?
What are the intricate underpinnings of EFQ?

This BoF would be geared more towards developers, but all would be welcome.

I'd love to hear more from you as to how and when to use EFQ. From what I have seen it looks very powerful and would love to leverage this knowledge in my projects. Looking forward to it!

I'd love to share a bit how to replace views blocks with beans using EFQ.

I now have at least one solid thing to look forward to at Drupalcon.

Colorado mountains