Ievgen Kartakov
Department manager Propeople |
Kathleen Krause-Thompson
Lead Developer Texas State Library |
kristian tibbs |
Kristyn Souder
IS Developer III The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia |
Awakash Bodiwala | |
John Bickar
Web Developer Stanford University |
Eric Casequin
Drupal Developer / Themer Chapter Three |
James Glover
Sr. Software Engineer Wiland Direct |
Lara Ziady
Web Developer National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Adam Schwaninger
Senior Software Engineer Eyemaginations, Inc. |
Meleck Davis |
Daniel Schiavone
President / Chief Technologist Snake Hill |
Maciej Skierkowski
Director of Product AppFog |
Jeff Tomlinson
Co-Founder Shiny Rocket |
Jamie Quanbeck |
Paul Harrison
Media and Technology Specialist Tennessee Tech BusinessMedia Center |
Shawn Dryden
Director of Web Development New Boston Creative Group |
Scott Vanderbilt
Datagenic Tool & Die, Inc. |
Alain Darwich
Managing Director Simple Imagination |
Matt Vance
Senior Software Developer |
Quincy Adam
Director of Multimedia Services Eastern University |
Michael Marrujo | Phil Ward |
Michael Halstead
Systems Administrator Linux Foundation: Yocto Project |
Information Architect & User Experience Designer Spire Media |
Bill Murphy
OS Internet Consultant The Fik Initiative |
John Albin Wilkins
Mutant Hybrid (Drupal Themer and Module Developer) |
Robert Wohleb
Software Engineer George Lucas Education Foundation |
Alexander Hripak
Web Developer left-click |
Kirk Shimamoto
Information Architect Message Agency |
Michael Williams |
Chris Greatens
Senior Web Architect HS2 Solutions |
Mike O'Connor
Developer |
Chris Dykstra
Partner DrupalSquad |
Benoit Marchand
Manager - PHP Practice CGI |
Erika Maldonado
Producer 2tor Inc. and SaintMate |
Ben Finklea
CEO Volacci |
Steven Merrill
Director of Engineering Phase2 Technology |
Aaron Welch
Blake Adams
Drupal N003|E OptionsANIMAL |
Dan Wilson
Systems & Technology Manager Energy Central |
Bradley MacDonald
Technical Director Blackbarn Media |
Jonathan Sims
PhD Candidate McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin |
Matt Misselbeck |
Dmitri Gaskin
Ninja Boldium |
Steve Skiba
Web Developer VisionTrust Communications |
Richard Moger
Owner |
Bobby Dean |
Jason Partyka
Developer Argonne National Laboratory |
Sean Freebairn
Project Manager Globe Runner SEO |
David Daigneault
Web Designer Eye Street |
Dries Buytaert
Drupal founder and project lead, President Drupal Association, Acquia co-founder and CTO, Mollom co-founder |
Michael Rossetti
Drupal Engineer Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Eric Schmidt
owner |
Gabriel Lopez
Director- Web Technology Gateway Church |
Alec Reynolds
Developer East Bay Development |
Pat O'Brien
Web Developer/ Drupal Developer Jackson River |
Chris Doherty
Creative Director Citizen Studio Inc. |