The Design Revolution

The way people use the internet is changing. Brochure websites aren't as important as they used to be and innovative technologies are allowing for more a more personalized and ubiquitous experience on the web. How do designers keep up with the changes and plan for a successful future in the industry? Listen to Brad Haynes, UX, Creative Director at Salesforce discuss the industry shift and explain why now is such an important time to be a designer. It's a revolution! Also, I will be presenting this material during Future of Web Design | New York on November 8th. Come say hi if you'll be there!


Time slot: 
Tuesday 1:00pm-2:00pm
Design and user experience
Experience level: 
Questions answered by this session: 
How is the role of the professional designer changing?
What does this mean for the industry?
How are large companies changing their approach to deliver more successful products?
Which companies are leading the charge towards a culture of innovation?
What are the opportunities available to the new wave of designers?


looking forward to this

Brad is a great speaker and definitely gave me the creative jump start I was looking for at Drupalcon Denver!

I would change the title of your presentation to "Let's Talk About Brad and Brad's Fascinating Life." Heh. Just kidding. Kind of.

Colorado mountains