We don't build them like we used to - The Design and UX Track

We are in the midst of a huge change. Websites are no longer bound to the desktop screen. Interfaces are expected to adapt as users interact with them in different contexts. The web is changing and so is the way in which we build it.

We can no longer assume that our designs are going to be viewed within a fixed size viewport. By laying a solid design foundation and defining patterns, we position our web applications to adapt to whatever screen and device the future throws at us.

We're excited to have Steve Fisher, presenting Design Thinks in Patterns - an exploration of how the design process is adapting to flexible screen sizes and varying contexts.

As our methods of design are changing, so are the ways in which we code. CSS preprocessors, such as SASS and LESS, have been around for a couple years, but they've been picking up steam as of late. Exciting work is being done with SASS, yet we are still only scratching the surface.

Nathan Smith and Matt Farina will be presenting Compass/SASS for Drupal. Together, they'll show us how to greatly improve our theming workflow using CSS preprocessors and DRY principles.

Session submissions are rolling in. Within the Design and User Experience track, you can expect to see engaging presentations on a wide variety of topics, including: wireframing, UX and usability testing, Drupal 7 theming, javascript and jQuery, and much more!

This is just a small sample of how we, as designers and front-end developers, are adapting to the changing web. We'd like to see what our fellow community members are working on. What are you excited about?

The session submission deadline is less than a month away. Why not submit your session now?


I'm very much looking forward to this talk and showing the designers/UX devs at my workplace this video.

We have been talking a lot about SASS / LESS CSS development and OOCSS lately. I'm interested in your take on this.

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