Truffles/Chocolate Exchange

Going to bring a fresh box of truffles and/or chocolates from my local chocolatier (DeBrand - best chocolate EVAR!) to trade for your local chocolates/truffles. Bring a few! Hope to have people from all over bringing tasty treats for trading.

Stop by #drupal-watercooler on irc for comments/suggestions/admonitions.

*** Also, if for whatever reason it will be difficult to travel with your chocolate, get in touch with me. You can pm zendoodles on irc, poke me on twitter @zendoodles, or use my d.o contact form. I will privately share a local CO address you can ship your chocolate to. Shipped items will need to arrive by Saturday, March 17 though, so you'll need to ship soon!

See you there!

Time slot: 


I packed up the Truffles so I could go to sessions. Ping me in #drupal-watercooler or track me down to get yours.

Colorado mountains