Site recipes/how-tos

In the site building documentation section of there's a nice big list of site recipes, only one of which uses D7. Many are for D4 and D5. The purpose of this BOF is for people to share ways they've done specific things on their sites. For example, one of my client sites displays a lot of contract information on one page using Views and Quicktabs, so I'll show how I did it.

These won't be big presentations, but just 5-10 minute descriptions, depending on how many people show up. We don't have a projector.

So if you think you did something other people could use, come and talk about it. Also, if you are struggling to do something on your site, bring your questions. Maybe someone can help you.

And finally, let's plan on writing up the recipes to put on so other people can use them.

Time slot: 
Site Building
Colorado mountains