The MultilingualWeb-LT project: Multilingualism & Drupal

We (Carsten and Carina) have been sent out to tell the Drupal community about our latest project which has potentially huge implications not only for Cocomore, but for Drupal as well.

We are part of a consortium funded by the European Union which tries to close gaps in the technical localization chain by better integrating localization service providers and translation technologies with CMS. The project called „MultilingualWeb - Language Technologies“ (MultilingualWeb-LT) aims to combine several existing technologies and standards. Furthermore, a new standard for metadata will be developed in order to optimize the translation process. To facilitate the adoption of this standard, a W3C Working Group was also formed. Drupal will be the first CMS to work holistically with this new standard.

In our BoF session we will introduce the project in more detail. You are invited to voice requirements for this project from the Drupal point of view. Please come and see us in room 502.

The presentation slides can be downloaded here:

Please also fill out the requirements questionnaire which can be found here:

More information on the project:

Time slot: 
Internationalization & Localization
Colorado mountains