Drupal as a Publishing Commons: Publishing Non-Traditional Content - Meeting content, Lesson Plans, ... you name it!

Out of the box, Drupal has useful mechanisms to capture knowledge and information. However, basic Drupal installations lack the ability to provide a formal citable knowledge management system. Our group created the ESIP Commons which provides a mechanism to publish non-traditional material through an editorial workflow and to provide a formal citation.

The objectives of the ESIP Commons are:
1. Provide a knowledge repository to formally capture and publish all the information and knowledge generated as part of ESIP activities
2. Provide a citation mechanism to acknowledge individuals and groups that generate new knowledge
3. Provide a publication medium for information that cannot be printed elsewhere such as technical reports, use cases, education modules.

While the ESIP Commons was developed for the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), it has potential re-usability for many other groups looking to publish non-traditional content like meeting session abstracts, research posters, educational lesson plans or white papers. It would be very exciting to see this work spread to other communities and potentially become an installation profile.

The objective of this session is two-folds. First, to apprise the Drupal community of the current status and capabilities of the ESIP Commons. Second, to solicit feedback to shape this knowledge management system to best serve the broader Drupal community.

Time slot: 
Site Building
Nonprofit, Government or Education


Here is a google doc for the session notes: http://bit.ly/GAMlXG

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