Doing Well By Doing Good: Patterns for Designing Your Drupal-Based Business

Ben Franklin advocated "doing well by doing good".

There's a lot of "doing good" in the Drupal community. But how do we do well by doing good?

Viewed through one lens, the Drupal community is a group of technologists. Viewed through another lens, it's a group of entrepreneurs -- ranging from individual consultants to large firms.

This BOF explores the design patterns for successful business models that serve the Drupal community. Sure, there's the services model -- but what other interesting ways might there be to "do well by doing good"?

This is for entrepreneurs at all levels: if you've started a successful Drupal-based business, or are thinking of starting a Drupal-based business, please join this discussion -- and help your fellow entrepreneurs!

Time slot: 
Business & Strategy


Thanks for the invite.

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