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My Schedule
List of events at DrupalCon Denver you plan to attend. Please note that your schedule is publicly viewable. Registration is still required for entrance to DrupalCon and trainings are sold separately.
The Story of The Ins and Outs of Turning Energy-dot-Blah into Energy-dot-Awesome
Phase2 Technology Room MHB 4ANonprofit, Government & EducationBeginner -
10:45am to 11:45am
The Ultimate Drupal Developer Experience - Power Tools for Power Users
NewMedia! Day StageDay Stage
01:00pm to 02:00pm
Panel: Drupal in the Cloud
NewMedia! Day StageDay Stage
Services Inside and Out
Trellon Room 401Coding and developmentIntermediate
Building Android Apps with Drupal
Phase2 Technology Room MHB 4AMobileIntermediate
Drupal Security for Coders - How to Avoid "All Your Base Are Belong To Us"
Phase2 Technology Room MHB 4ACoding and developmentBeginner