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My Schedule
List of events at DrupalCon Denver you plan to attend. Please note that your schedule is publicly viewable. Registration is still required for entrance to DrupalCon and trainings are sold separately.
OG7 - Pride and Prejudice
Acquia Room 203Site buildingIntermediate
Rethinking responsive building techniques with Drupal
Acquia Room 203MobileIntermediate
Lessons Learned: Open Source Contributions - A Case Study of Workbench
Forum One Room 603Business and strategyAdvanced
Webform: The Survey Tool For Drupal
Acquia Room 203Site buildingBeginner
What's new in the Panels Universe
Trellon Room 401Site buildingIntermediate
Building Beautiful, Dynamic Forms in Drupal 7
Trellon Room 401Design and user experienceIntermediate
Making Drupal Core Mobile-Friendly Room 405MobileIntermediate
03:45pm to 04:45pm
Re-thinking the render/theme layers
BlackMesh Room MHB 1ECore ConversationsAdvanced
Drupalize Your Data: Use Entities!
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1ACoding and developmentIntermediate
Creating Responsive and Mobile-First Drupal Themes
Four Kitchens Room MHB 1AMobileIntermediate
A Responsive Project Process
Acquia Room 203Design and user experienceBeginner