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My Schedule
List of events at DrupalCon Denver you plan to attend. Please note that your schedule is publicly viewable. Registration is still required for entrance to DrupalCon and trainings are sold separately.
10:45am to 11:45am
The Ultimate Drupal Developer Experience - Power Tools for Power Users
NewMedia! Day StageDay Stage
Changing the tires at 60 MPH: How Martha Stewart Living migrated to Drupal Room 405Site buildingIntermediate
Building Android Apps with Drupal
Phase2 Technology Room MHB 4AMobileIntermediate
I'm Leaving You: The Risks of Dumping Your Old CMS for Drupal and How to Manage Them
Forum One Room 603Business and strategyBeginner
All we hear is Radio Drupal
Room 212Site Building
Drupal in Public Media
Room 212Nonprofit, Government or Education