Occupy Wall Street / Federated General Assembly & open social networks BoF?

I think it would be great to get people together to discuss and codesprint or compare notes on possible Drupal development for Occupy Wall Street and related projects, including TakeTheSquare and Federated General Assembly projects.

FGA is a Drupal project coordinated at http://projects.occupy.net/ with Sam Boyer and some other folks. We could look at things like WebID ( http://drupal.org/project/webid ) as well as other modules which can be used to build open social networks.

I also have filed a Occupy Wall Street / FGA group on groups.drupal.org but it is in moderation - needs more content and I would be happy to add anyone interested as an administrator.

Personally I've been pretty busy tackling a lot of local stuff so haven't coordinated with developers already on FGA yet, but a BoF would be a good opportunity to get people together as well as having an IRC channel on freenode for the subject. Along these lines I posted a small patch for WebID code style cleanup and also tried to implement a stropheJs / HTTP-BIND XMPP Ejabberd Drupal 7 module by adapting an existing D6 module, but not being very clever I haven't gotten it to work - that stuff is at http://github.com/hongpong .

As background, I am one of the people who has been involved with Globalrevolution.tv , the livestream channel which started on Sept 17th 2011 at Occupy Wall Street (sadly our current site runs WP but I am fiddling around trying to get us away from that :P )

It would be helpful, for example, to have good ways to parse XML feeds from sites like bambuser.com in order to aggregate instant situational awareness of live video feeds. (i.e. sites like occupystreams.org are parsing XML to determine status of live video channels on livestream.com including # of viewers etc) I think these could be little presets or plugins on the Feeds module, and valuable to many people.

So i would suggest filing a BoF and a freenode channel pretty much - is anyone else interested/available for a couple hours on this?

If anyone is interested the IRC channel on freenode #ows-fga is the official channel for FGA project and I notified people there of this proposal.

Marvelous I didn't see this earlier! Room 206 / Tues 2:15 - 3:15PM

Colorado mountains