Drupal Sports and League Management

When I first set out to build a site for a local amateur Ultimate Frisbee league, I was happy to find a number of available sports/league management modules ... and then sorely disappointed to discover that no two would actually work together, and no one module provided a full-featured solution.

This situation could be improved if we were to standardize on a common set of flexible sports/league/team/match entities/objects which can be integrated into our individual sports-related modules. By leveraging a common data structure, we can greatly improve the interoperability between Drupal 7 sports modules relative to the situation we had in Drupal 6.

The purpose of this BoF is to meet and discover other contributors either interested or already working in this space, and to solicit interest and kick off discussions regarding a single unified Drupal Sports API initiative ... please comment below if you feel you may be interested!

I'd be very interested in this as I have some ideas for League based distributions and would love to talk to you about it.

Colorado mountains