Android Integration BOF

I'd like to lead up a BOF session on my experiences integrating Android Applications with Drupal 7. If anyone is interested (and knows how I can register a session) please let me know.

In the BOF session I'd like to review Drupal's services module and its XMLRPC interface. I'd like to show how android apps can connect to services exposed through this module and fill in some of the pitfalls that I personally encountered. I'd also like to get into some technical issues, such as writing a module that exposes new service resources. If anyone has any suggestions about what I should cover, let me know. Questions are also welcome.

I don't have anything to contribute, but I'd love to listen and learn.

Sounds good - I'll try and attend this and take note of anything we could do to improve the services module to help overcome the challenges you have faced.

I'd definitely be interested in this BOF any timeline yet?

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