Any one interested in a BoF with Higher Ed institutions and how we're using and have implemented Drupal on campus?
I'll certainly attend if I can.
I'll be there, I work at the University of Illinois. My main interest is CMS for College PR and research sites.
Any details available yet on when and where you'll put this Higher Ed BoF on?
Will try to attend as I'm using Drupal @ Stanford for several sites.
I'd be interested in attending too. Doing work on the department level for research/extension project at Oregon State U.
There's 2 of us from UNH that will be @ DrupalCon, we'd be interested in attending.
I just wanted to throw out some links here to Higher-Ed related activities going on before and during DrupalCon.
The BoF schedule is now live and includes quite a few education-related sessions: including a specifically Higher Education one on Wednesday:
There is also a Drupal in Higher Education Unconference planned for Monday, March 19:
I'll certainly attend if I can.
I'll be there, I work at the University of Illinois. My main interest is CMS for College PR and research sites.
Time & place?
Any details available yet on when and where you'll put this Higher Ed BoF on?
Druapl @ Stanford
Will try to attend as I'm using Drupal @ Stanford for several sites.
I'm in
I'd be interested in attending too. Doing work on the department level for research/extension project at Oregon State U.
We're up for it
There's 2 of us from UNH that will be @ DrupalCon, we'd be interested in attending.
Higher Ed BoFs/Unconference
I just wanted to throw out some links here to Higher-Ed related activities going on before and during DrupalCon.
The BoF schedule is now live and includes quite a few education-related sessions: including a specifically Higher Education one on Wednesday:
There is also a Drupal in Higher Education Unconference planned for Monday, March 19: