Making Modules for Entities and Fields (not just Nodes)

With Drupal 7 there many more field-able entities than just nodes. When making a module that deals with fields for Drupal 7 your module should probably not need any reference to nodes(no hook_node_save). This way the module can be applied to any field-entity.

Let discuss! Open related ideas

MOVEd: to first table from red carpet from conference entrance

Time slot: 
Coding & Development


If you are interested in this BoF let me know in the comments. If there is no interest I may cancel so we can free up the room for other bofs

Drupal Developer and Trainer with Six Mile Tech

I'll be there, its an interesting problem / opportunity area in d7.

Currently working on rewriting field collections in views and this BoF might help with some issues I'm having

Colorado mountains