Drupal 8 entity property translation BoF
A cornerstone in the Drupal 8 multilingual system is how we'll be able to translate entity properties like "author", "published", etc. This discussion hopes to gather all interested parties to figure out the best way forward, so we can greatly simplify our language system both on the API and user experience level.
This BoF is planned to be timed on Drupalcon session days to give every interested party equal opportunity to attend (given busy schedules on the sprint day and before/after Drupalcon). There is also a D8MI sprint happening after Drupalcon, see http://groups.drupal.org/node/209803.
I'll be there!
I'll be there!
Also, I'd cover my thoughts on that the core-conversation: http://denver2012.drupal.org/content/moving-drupal-8-entity-api Thus, if taken we'd ideally schedule the bof sometimes after the core-conversation.
I'll be there too. After fago
I'll be there too. After fago's session sounds like a good plan.
Hope to be there
Since I'm flying in Tues night, if it's scheduled on Wed or Thurs, then I'll be there!
Sounds good, I'll be there.
I've scheduled it, see http://denver2012.drupal.org/bof/drupal-8-entity-property-translation
Hope that works for everyone?