Meet The Drupal Association

Come learn more about your Drupal Association - an educational non-profit organization that tasks itself with fostering and supporting the Drupal software project, the community and its growth. Supported by both individual members (like you) and organizations, the Association uses its resources, network and funds to constantly engage in new projects and initiatives to help educate people about Drupal and support the growth of the Drupal project.

Mission Statement

The Drupal Association fosters and supports the Drupal software project, the community and its growth.

The Drupal Association does this by:

  1. Maintaining the hardware and software infrastructure of and other community sites.
  2. Empowering the Drupal community to participate in and contribute to the project.
  3. Protecting the GPL source code of the Drupal project and its community contributions.
  4. Protecting the Drupal project and community through legal work and advocacy.
  5. Organizing and promoting worldwide events.
  6. Communicating the benefits of the Drupal software.

Learn more about the Drupal Association by attending this BoF or navigating to our website at

Time slot: 
Colorado mountains