The Drupal Contribution Ladder: Planning for and Learn Drupal distribution

Over the past six months, the Boston Drupal Users Group has dedicated 1 - 2 hours of each meetup to developing activities and materials to try and make it easier for people to learn about and contribute to Drupal core. At DrupalCon Denver, we’re hoping to get more users involved and develop more materials to help people get into working on various parts of core. In order to have more high-quality materials written for future Drupal contributors, this BoF will brainstorm and prioritize features for and the Learn Drupal distribution.

This BoF is being offered conjunction with Wednesday's Drupal Contribution Ladder session; we highly recommend that you attend that session!

If you want to get involved and are unable to none of these Boston Initiative sessions, fill out this contact form and we will get in touch with you.

Colorado mountains