Vincent Sennesael
Digital communications advisor & Drupal evangelist & running Drupal-as-a-Service project @ Flanders' public administration Flanders' public administration |
Jonathan Sims
PhD Candidate McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin |
Thomas Miller | Alina Mackenzie | Li Zhu | |
Brandon Bergren
Performance Engineer Tag1 Consulting |
Matt Kleve
Code Monkey Lullabot |
Kathleen Krause-Thompson
Lead Developer Texas State Library |
Michael Cooper
Engineering Manager of Awesome People Acquia |
Kristina Adams |
Gowri Abhaya
Drupal / IT Consultant California Academy of Sciences |
Nathan Gervais
Web Developer |
Patrick Cranston
Application Developer Environmental Defense Fund |
Robert Taylor
Development Manager ITV |
Daniel Janousek
Webmaster IES Abroad |
Mike Tafel
Software Developer Denver Regional Council of Governments |
Kim MacLeod
Application Developer Senior Georgia Institute of Technology |
Liam Campbell
Front-end Developer WorkHabit |
Rick Collins |
Josh Leeman
Web Producer The Nation |
Jesse Austell
Simplicity Metrics |
Michael Meyers
VP, Large Scale Drupal Acquia |
Keith Vincent |
Roxane Williams
Senior Web Architect DocuSign |
Deborah Terrell | William Sheffield |
Erin Vader
Communications & Public Engagement Manager City of Olathe, KS |
Jeff Landfried
Web Developer CAIA Association |
Danny Najm |
Eric Spector
Web Architect A&E Television Networks |
Dan Moriarty
Creative Director, Owner Electric Citizen |
Christopher Millward
Senior Developer CGI |
Amelia Mango | Wesley Nichols |
Marty Byle
Business Development Commerce Guys |
Devon Procaccini |
Susan McCormick
Senior Project Manager Chapter Three |
Andrew Clabaugh
Interactive Developer Swanson Russell |
Michelle Krejci |
Alex Dergachev
Co-founder and Technical Lead Evolving Web |
Dan Wilga
Web System Administrator/Programmer |
Jeff Graham
Steamroller FunnyMonkey |
William Patterson
Web Developer Wash U Arts & Sciences Computing |
Christopher Haag | Dan Roach |
Jason DelMarr
Frontend engineer / Designer |
Everett DAnjou
Web Designer / Marketing Sealcon USA |
Andrew Hoppin
Managing Partner, New Amsterdam Ideas; Principal, DrupalSquad DrupalSquad |
Joe Hyde
Drupal Agency Owner Hyde Interactive, Inc. |
Zach Hensley |
Justin Neel
Web Developer |
Michael Love
Network Managers |
Alan Evans
Senior Software Engineer Acquia |
Brad Alderman
Web Developer UF&Shands Web Services |
Craig Bozman
Web Developer TerpSys |
Steve Karsch | Patrick Swartz |
Chad Smith
CTO Hybrid Forge |
Scott Henry
Web Developer |