Mark Newell
Interaction Designer Duo Consulting |
Vincent Rodriguez
Programmer/Analyst IEEE Communications Society |
Sean Jenkin
Senior Manager, Engineering Disney |
Andrew Ward
Project Manager East Bay Development |
Alina Mackenzie |
Navdeep Raj Ganesh
Practice Lead SourceN Inc. |
Paweł Traczyński
Web Developer i work with all companies listed above |
Tyler Poole
Cornell University Cooperative Extension |
Ert O'Hara |
Jason Phillips
Web Resources Integration Analyst Sr Institutional Research & Assessment at the University of Alabama |
Keith Vincent |
Michael Porter
Developer Duo Consulting |
Christoph Otto
Software Design Engineer Datasphere |
Nancy Stango
Solutions Architect, founder, & CEO Blink Reaction |
Jon Minter |
Larry Garfield
Senior Architect |
Tom Cochran
Director, New Media Technologies The White House |
Phillip Cave
Director of Technology Jackson River |
Jonathan Lambert
CEO Workhabit, Inc. |
Erin Doelling
e-Learning Program Coordinator University of Michigan |
Tanya Camp
Creative Director Gystworks, and Bucketduck Inc. |
Kevin Liska
Director Tennessee Tech Univ |
Alex Schmoe | Tariq Hook |
Rob Simmons | Tommy Triplett |
Chris Loos
Web Developer Urban Insight |
Matt Hutchins |
Marc Hitscherich
erdfisch |
Brian Goodwin |
Kendall Kassner
Project/Account Manager Elevated Third |
Designer Rehab Creative LLC |
Aaron Ingles
Web Developer The Iona Group |
William Patterson
Web Developer Wash U Arts & Sciences Computing |
Brad Alderman
Web Developer UF&Shands Web Services |
Maria Taylor
Co-founder / Principal Limina Application Office |
Erik Retz
Lead Software Developer CenturyLink |
Ankur Rishi
Drupal Developer Hewlett-Packard |
Oriane Shacham |
Andy Cullen
Senior Web Developer Sandstorm Design |
David Choi
Web Designer New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Josh Brewster
IT Projects Manger Broadview Mortgage Corporation |
John Turner
Senior IT Project Manager University of Michigan Museum of Art |
Manoz Aryal |
Patrick Burritt
Director of Online Marketing and Communications Georgetown University |
Neil Hastings
Team Architect Phase2 Technology |
Patrick Metzger |
David Hahn
President LevelTen Interactive |
Ethan Hinson | Shai Sachs | MaryAnn Stroub |
Jeremy Zerr
Owner Zerrtech |
Brian Youngblood
Web Developer/Technical Lead Southern Poverty Law Center |
Liz Young
President and Creative Director Studio llc. |
Matt Hignight | Teresa Coberly | oleg tsymbalyuk | K P |
Michael Bopp
Web Developer Rapid Development Group |
David Kinzer
Lead Developer Jenkins Law Library |