Chris Akeley
Drupalista Innermotion |
Therese Graner
Web Communications Lead Portland State University - University Communications |
Justin Endler |
Javlon Turdiev
Web Developer NYU |
Sher Fenn
Information Technology Consultant Central Web Services - Oregon State University |
Alexander Pyle |
Jim Skowyra
Drupal Developer Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Boris Smirnov
Drupal Developer B&H Photo |
Hector Iribarne
Developer Broward Drupal |
Blake Thompson |
Candice Gansen
Themer / Site Builder FunnyMonkey |
Matt Callahan
Interactive Developer Rock River Star |
Robert Reichard
Web Developer/Designer Klunk & Millan Advertising |
Bernie Monette
Professor Humber College |
Kendall Aubertot | Virginia Nguyen |
Narayan Newton
Lead Performance Engineer Tag1 Consulting |
Garald (Gary) Barton
Webmaster Western Michigan University Auxiliary Enterprises |
William Hurley
Manager of Programming Forum One Communications |
Rob Baier
Web Designer Argonne National Laboratory |
Vanessa Williams
Business & Operations Manager, OCTO Acquia |
sue kinney | Lukas Smith |
Neil O'Toole
Web Platform Architect Teradata |
Mark Bradshaw |
James Glover
Sr. Software Engineer Wiland Direct |
Erik Andreason |
Randall Knutson
Drupal Developer Levelten Interactive |
Michael Lander
Elevated Third |
Steve Thompson |
James Rutherford
Lead Drupal Architect Mediacurrent |
Kevin Leonard
Association Business Development Manager Breakthrough Technologies |
Daniel Szprengiel | Nadir Hajiyani |
Kevin Hankens
Senior Technical Consultant |
Kate Daly
Senior Project Manager Oncology Nursing Society |
Shalini Anand | Marilyn Fausset |
Jeff Tomlinson
Co-Founder Shiny Rocket |
JOhn Briney |
Greg Sartz
Full Time Student - IT Network Design and Management Western Governors University-Full Time Student |
Mike Monan
Problem Solver TechReprieve |
Evan Villemez |
Steve Parks
Consultant Wunderkraut |
Stefan Auditor
Webworker erdfisch |
John Faber
Director of Sales and Partnerships Chapter Three |
Sharee Hiatt |
Caroline Mullen
Director of Marketing NavigationArts |
Benjamin Koether
Senior Drupal Developer ImageX Media |
Emily Goodeve | Clayton Dilks |
Ki Kim
Web Developer Urban Insight |
Ryan Davis
Drupal Developer Summersault LLC |
Stephen Spadafora |
Jason Howard
President Archetype 5 |
AJ Jansen |
Sean Hanford
Drupal Developer NavigationArts |
John Ferris
Front-end Developer Aten Design Group |
Darko Hrgovic
Lead Developer Agentic Communications |
James Juopperi
Software/Systems technologist Northern Michigan University |