Tom Grandy
Content Management Systems Developer TCCSA |
William Cheung
Web Designer/Front End Developer Suntog Web Design |
Everett DAnjou
Web Designer / Marketing Sealcon USA |
Ahmed Bakir
Lead Developer devAtelier |
Dave Ruse
Web Designer Phase2 Technology |
Jason Little
Lead Developer-Admin Ohio State University - College of Engineering - Web Services |
Miro Scarfiotti |
Jordan Hess
Web Coordinator / Develpoer Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library |
Stephanie El-Hajj
Program Coordinator Drupal Association |
Elizabeth Delgado |
Chris Stewart
Team Lead National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Erin Crutcher |
Bjorn Freeman-Benson | Zachary Fierstadt | Arvid Åström |
Jason Socha
Development Foreman Socha Dev |
Marc Rempel |
Carl-Magnus Dumell
System Manager Yle - Finnish Broadcasting Company |
Tracy Betts
CEO Balance Interactive |
Richard Burford
Senior Software Engineer Acquia |
Kevin Davison
Manager Quevin LLC |
Christopher Guitarte
Web Developer University of Southern California |
Ferdi Alimadhi
Harvard University |
Ben Thompson
Senior Software Engineer xTuple |
Alexander Hripak
Web Developer left-click |
Larry Hardison |
Heather Rodriguez
Web Services Developer University of Maryland |
Matt Crego | Sanket Israni |
Viatcheslav Andreev
Application Developer Intel |
Iain Goodenow | Josh Lewis |
Dmity Bezer
Developer Acquia |
Mark Shropshire
Developer Classic Graphics |
Albert Skibinski
Drupal architect Merge |
Deborah Fuzetto
Drupal Specialist Fuzetto Web Solutions |
Steve Williams
Drupal Web Developer Astonish Designs |
Erik Kelly
Yannick Lyn Fatt
Web Developer The University of the West Indies, Mona |
Tom Flanagan
Web Developer/Consultant Hs2 Solutions |
Paula Deutsch
Technical Information Specialist/Systems Administrator National Instittue of Standards and Technology |
Dwayne Bailey
Senior Systems Engineer Eye Street Solutions |
Pat O'Brien
Web Developer/ Drupal Developer Jackson River |
Suzie Austin | Hugo Lallo | Jim Renshaw |
Ronan Berder
Managing Director Wiredcraft |
Andrew Gilmore
Drupal Developer Electric Word Plc |
Ann Keane
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory |
Liz Young
President and Creative Director Studio llc. |
Jay Mallison
Technical Consultant Live Axle Interactive |
Dan Moriarty
Creative Director, Owner Electric Citizen |
Ryan Oles
Developer EnterMedia LLC |
Joe Krukosky
CTO Helm Dog |
renewable energy analyst NREL |
Bala Rao |
John Dockstader
Web Developer Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage |
Alex Bronstein
Software Engineer Acquia |
Dirk Heniges
Developer Seabourne Consulting |
Abby Blue
FunnyMonkey |